Can you spot the art?

IMG_5183 Ronnie van Haut, ‘Comin’ Down’

Christchurch Art Gallery ‘Outer-Spaces’ Exhibitions

Today I ventured round the back of a building in search of the man of my dreams, whom I randomly spotted on my city walkabout the other day.

Naturally attracted to things in life that at first appear out of reach, this man was clearly sending me a message and beckoning me to… look to the sky perhaps.  ‘Blue Sky Thinking’ perhaps, as I have heard many a time since arriving to Christchurch.  Suddenly I remembered that whilst being consumed by deconstruction and reconstruction on ground-level (zero), most days I now forget to look up.  Taking time to look up, down, inside and upside-down is a time to consider and question what you are seeing happen in the city, and why.

It has woken me up to the need to look deeper beyond the surface of what we are walking past in Christchurch CBD every day, and be a bit playful with the wealth of artistic inventions happening here.  Thus, I have set myself a challenge – During my daily explorations, I want to try and find something a little hidden, un-questioned, and, well, question it.

Until now, I realise I was just a tourist getting rather snap-happy.  Well today. I looked up!  I might now be a part of the curious reconstruction of the city, if I can at least be arty and help people see some cool new things…


Playing hard to get, I only found him today!  You can spot him on the roof ‘terrace’ of 209 Tuam Street.  Great view from the car park beside Alice Cinematheque.  Beware – he’s mine though!


This piece is by Ronnie van Haut, entitled ‘Comin’ Down’, linking to the quake.  Once I had read the artist’s intentions, I decided to rely only on my own ideas and keep it as a guide for me, to remind us to always look to the brighter skies of tomorrow, today.  Public Art is vital to ensure people are kept connected, and kept questioning their surroundings, so job done here – a top pick of mine!

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